contact us

Give us a shout if you have any questions! 

Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Bike Antlers are a standout piece for any urban-cabin. Starting with a simple piece of wood, we hand-cut every plaque with care and then mount our favorite bike handlebars to create a unique taxidermy mount for your home.


Bike Antlers

Bike Antlers are a standout piece for any urban-cabin. Starting with a simple piece of wood, we hand-cut every plaque with care and then mount our favorite bike handlebars to create a unique taxidermy mount for your home.

Snag a pair of Bike Antlers

Snag a pair of Bike Antlers

The Bike Antlers team, comprised of an aunt-uncle-niece combo, has been working together for over three years to create unique, beautifully designed, pieces of art to be hung in the home, or near your favorite Schwinn. A perfect gift for any bike-enthusiast!

Contact our team

Contact our team

We want to make you a pair of Bike Antlers that reflect your unique style, whether you lean toward rustic or modern on the design spectrum. Each set of Bike Antlers is hand-made and has a personality of their own. Give us a shout to pre-order your very own pair!

Learn about Bike Antlers

Learn about Bike Antlers

One snowy day on Seward Ave. a girl with not-enough coffee was startled by the truck full of junk in front of her. Curiosity took hold and as she inched closer she realized her eyes had deceived her. That wasn't a deer buried in rubbish - it was simply a rusted over bicycle! And so began, Bike Antlers.